Version 4 changes
the following code should still work with version 4. The only difference is the lightning-csv module is lighter and does not contains any mapping related code.
Are you looking for a very performant Csv Parser, or even better an easy to use CsvMapper?
sfm-csv provides the most flexible CsvMapper available. It supports Constructor injection, Factory method, Builder Pattern… The new java8 time API, the old joda time API. Inner object mapping, join mapping.
Give it a try.
Getting Started Csv
Setting up the environment
Add the Dependency to your build.
for Maven:
Java 8, 9, 10 , 11 no module-info
Java 6, 7
Java 9, 10 , 11 with module-info
Reading a csv file
The CsvParser
api allows you to read from a File
, a Reader
or a CharSequence
via a CheckedConsumer
an Iterator
or a Stream
of String[]
// Callback
.forEach(file, row -> System.out.println(Arrays.toString(row)));
// Iterator
try (CloseableIterator<String[]> it = CsvParser.iterator(file)) {
while(it.hasNext()) {
// Stream
try (Stream<String[]> stream = {
stream.forEach(row -> System.out.println(Arrays.toString(row)));
Writing a csv file
Since 8.1.0 the org.simpleflatmapper.lightningcsv.CsvWriter
provides a simple api to Writer csv rows and cells to a File
or an Appendable
try(ClosableCsvWriter writer = CsvWriter.dsl().to(file)) {
.appendRow("hello", "world!\nnew line")
The default encoding will be UTF-8
, it is possible to specify and different Charset
in the to
See unit test for more example.
Mapping a csv to an object
You can also ask the row to be mapped to an object. You can then read the csv from a File
, a Reader
or a CharSequence
via a CheckedConsumer callback,
an Iterator
or a Stream
of your type.
The mapper will use the header row - the first one - to match against the property of the object. You can also specify the headers
manually if there none or if you want to skip them.
// Callback
.forEach(file, System.out::println);
// Iterator
try (CloseableIterator<MyObject> it =
CsvParser.mapTo(MyObject.class).iterator(file)) {
while(it.hasNext()) {
// Stream
(s) -> { s.forEach(System.out::println); return null; }
// override headers
.headers("id", "email", "name")
.forEach(file, System.out::println);
Customizing the date format
By default it will use parse the date using a "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
That obviously won’t work for everybody and it is possible to override it on a column by column basis.
// overrides the default format
.forEach(file, System.out::println);
// overrides the format for a specific column
.addColumnProperty("my_date_col", new DateFormatProperty("yyyy-MM-dd"))
.forEach(file, System.out::println);
// overrides the format for any column with date in the name
.addColumnProperty(k -> k.getName().contains("date"), new DateFormatProperty("yyyy-MM-dd"))
.forEach(file, System.out::println);
Writing a csv from an object
The CsvWriter allows you to create append object to an Appendable. If no headers are specified it will generate a list of headers from the properties of the object. Though it is better to specify the headers manually.
// better to cache the dsl with the from
// to avoid recomputing the object metadata
CsvWriter.CsvWriterDSL<MyObject> writerDsl =
CsvWriter.from(MyObject.class).columns("id" ,"name", "email");
public void writeCsv(Collection<MyObject> objects, File file)
throws IOException {
try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file)) {
CsvWriter<MyObject> writer=;
writing with headers not matching the property name
if you want to use a header that does not match the name of the property, for example, if you need the email header to be “contact” you will need to add an alias by adding RenameProperty on the column.
// better to cache the dsl with the from
// to avoid recomputing the object metadata
CsvWriter.CsvWriterDSL<MyObject> writerDsl =
.columns("id" ,"name")
.column("contact", new RenameProperty("email"));
public void writeCsv(Collection<MyObject> objects, File file)
throws IOException {
try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file)) {
CsvWriter<MyObject> writer=;