The rules
The property finder will look for a column to property match first if none is found it will try to do a partial match on the property to look for a sub-property.
property name matching
is a case-insensitive match ignoring ‘_’ and ‘ ‘.
the following column will match the property myProperty.
- ‘my_property’
- ‘myproperty’
- ‘my property’
property name aliases
If the name of the property does not match the column name it is possible to specify a alias for the property using the addAlias
method on the MapperFactory
mapperFactory.addAlias("columnName", "actualPropertyName");
JPA @Column annotation
sfm also supports the JPA @Column
annotation to map a property to a column.
private long nothingToSeeHere;
the column id
will map to the nothingToSeeHere
The annotation works on fields, getters and setters.
Datastax @Column annotation
the sfm-datastax module provides the same functionality for the datastax @Column annotation.
inner object matching
the inner object matching is done if the complete matching did not found any property. The finder will try to match the start of the column to a property of the object and then will do a match against the column name left over.
for a property property.subProperty the following will match
- ‘property_sub_property’
- ‘propertysubproperty’
- ‘property sub property’
if the type of the object is an array or a list then the finder will look for the first number in the column and use at as the index starting at 0 to put the element in. if there is a sub-property specify after the number that will be matched against the element class. If not it will look for a 1 argument constructor.
-> will match against the 4th element - index 3 - of the list as a String.List<MyObject>
-> will match against property id of the 4th - index 3 - element of the list.
It is possible to change the index behavior to have element 3 mapped to the 3rd element or index 2 by adding the ArrayIndexStartAtProperty.ONE
// applies to all column
mapperFactory.addColumnProperty(k -> true, ArrayIndexStartAtProperty.ONE);
// applies only to my list
mapperFactory.addColumnProperty(k -> k.getName().startsWith("my_list"), ArrayIndexStartAtProperty.ONE);
Tuples work in the same way as list/array but the size is limited and the types can be different depending on the element.
index discovery
If no index is found it will try to find an empty index where the element has not been injected the property yet.
, my_list_0_name
, my_list_name
will map to
Column as key
By default Map<K, V>
use the column name as name unless there are no converter from String
to K
for the following Pojo
class Pojo {
int id;
Map<String, String> map;
Pojo pojo =
pojo will be
"id" : 1,
"map" : {
"col1" : "val1",
"col2" : "val2"
Key Value
From 3.15.0
it is possible to have the key sourced from the source object - ResultSet, csv etc… -.
To avoid changing the behaviour of already existing applications that function is enabled only when the previous mapping would not have worked - when there was no converter for the key.
You can also enable it by adding a MapTypeProperty.KEY_VALUE
on the column linked to the map - it only needs to be on the first column.
The key is identified in the column as a "key"
property and value as "value"
under the map object, here map_key
and map_value
class Pojo {
int id;
Map<String, String> map;
CsvMapper<Pojo> mapper =
col -> col.getName().startsWith("map_"),
Pojo pojo =
pojo will be
"id" : 1,
"map" : {
"val1" : "val2"
It is also possible to have complex keys and values :
class Pojo {
int id;
Map<Tuple2<String, String>, Tuple2<String, String>> map;
CsvMapper<Pojo> mapper =
.addColumnProperty(col -> col.getName().startsWith("map_"), MapTypeProperty.KEY_VALUE);
Pojo pojo =
the result will be :
"id" : 1,
"map" : {
{ "element0" : "k1", "element1" : "k2" } : { "element0" : "v1", "element1" : "v2" }
Joins will also work an KeyValue Map mappers.
Optional properties are also supported.
the column name will map to
class MyObject {
Optional<String> name;
if the name is null it will create an empty optional.
The property mapping will look for an injection vector in the following order
Constructor/Factory method Injection
Factory method
Sfm looks for a static method for which the returns type is that same as the expected type.
class MyClass {
public static MyClass of(String val, int index) {
Setter Injection
Field Injection
Builder Pattern
Sfm will look for a static method that return a type that will return the builder. A builder needs to have a method that instantiates the targeted class and have a setter method that modifies the builder or return a new version of the builder.
class MyClass {
public static MyClassBuilder builder() {
public static class MyClassBuilder {
MyClassBuilder property1(String value) {}
MyClassBuilder index(int value) {}
MyClass build() {}
It is also possible to manually specify the method/constructor to instantiate the builder.
final field semantic is respected. The constructor injection will need the asm library to extract the name of the parameters from the debug symbol. If not present then it falls on more expensive strategy on injecting a value through the constructor and looking for a getter that returns the same value.
Customise the property matching
Can inject your own PropertyNameMatcherFactory in the mapper factory.
ie to use have exact and case sensitive match
new DefaultPropertyNameMatcherFactory(true, true)
Property Finder
The property matching is done by the PropertyFinder.
ClassMeta<MyObject> classMeta = new ReflectionService().getClassMeta(MyObject.class);
PropertyFinder<MyObject> propertyFinder = classMeta.newPropertyFinder();
PropertyMeta<MyObject, ?> prop = propertyFinder.findProperty("my_property");