Getting Started JDBI
Setting up the environment
Add the Dependency to your build.
for Maven:
Java 8, 9, 10 , 11 no module-info
Java 6, 7
Java 9, 10 , 11 with module-info
From 7.0.0 you will need explicitly include the jdbi dependency in your pom.
Register SfmResultSetMapperFactory
You can register sfm as a ResultSetMapperFactory, then use the mapTo - in place of map - it will JDBI will look for a registered Factory and is the SFM one is the only or first one it will use it to map the object.
DBI dbi = new DBI(datasource);
dbi.registerMapper(new SfmResultSetMapperFactory());
Handle handle =;
try {
DbObject dbObject = handle.createQuery("SELECT * FROM T1").mapTo(DbObject.class).first();
} finally {
Annotation @RegisterMapperFactory
You can also annotate your method or dao interface with
@RegisterMapperFactory(value = {SfmResultSetMapperFactory.class})
public interface MyDao
@SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM TEST_DB_OBJECT where id = :id")
DbObject selectOne(@Bind("id") long id);
Annotation @SfmBind
SFM also provide a binding annotation equivalent of @BindBean but using the SFM mapping.
public interface MyDao
@SqlUpdate("insert into TEST_DB_OBJECT (id, name, email, creation_time, type_ordinal, type_name) values (:id, :name, :email, :creation_time, :type_ordinal, :type_name)")
void insert(@SfmBind(sqlTypes = {@SqlType(name ="type_ordinal", type=Types.NUMERIC)}) DbObject s);