SimpleFlatMapper V8.2.3 provides a very fast and easy to use mapper for
Version 8 does not use the classifier anymore for jre 6 or jre 9 artifacts see Migration to V8
- Jdbc, aka micro ORM from ResultSet to PreparedStatement
- Csv Mapper with its own Csv Parser
- Excel spreadsheet
- Cassandra Datastax
It integrates with
The mapper supports
- Constructor, Setter and Public field injection
- Builder Pattern - like Immutables -
- Deep object structure
- Tuples including jOOL tuples, Fasttuple, Kotlin’s Pair and Triple, and sfm-tuples. For more create an issue.
- Eclipse Collections List, Guava Immutable List.
- Google Protocol Buffers
- JPA @Column and Datastax @Column
No annotation, no configuration needed. The default behaviour can be changed programmatically. You can also extend the type mapping by providing converters
The csv module also provides one of the fastest java csv parsers.
It can all run on java 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Some sample code:
Csv Mapper
Jdbc Mapper
JdbcMapper<MyObject> mapper =
public void findAll(Consumer<MyObject> consumer) throws SQLException {
try (Connection conn = getConnection();
PreparedStatement ps =
conn.prepareStatement("select * from my_table");
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();) {
mapper.forEach(rs, consumer);
Intellij IDEA UnsupportedClassVersionError import with wrong classifier
Update: this is now sorted by Release 8.0.0