Release v8.1.0
- #686 Csv Writer easier to write Iterable<? extends CharSequence[]>
try(ClosableCsvWriter writer = CsvWriter.dsl().to(file)) {
.appendRow("hello", "world!\nnew line")
See unit test for more example.
- #687 jdbc postgres support sql array mapped to primitive array bigint[] -> long[]
Reminder from 8.0.0
- Intellij use wrong classifier Rewrote the release process to remove the classifier as a way to deal with different jre version. Instead change the artifactId for jre6 and jre9 so that the full chain is set by the root import.
The dependencies are now included with the following :
Java 8, 9, 10 , 11 no module-info
Java 6, 7
Java 9, 10 , 11 with module-info